
In our service, we offer specialized catalytic converter repair, a crucial part of your vehicle emissions reduction system. Catalytic converters are essential for converting harmful gases from exhaust emissions into less harmful compounds, thereby contributing to environmental protection and compliance with emission regulations.

Due to constant exposure to high temperatures and harmful chemicals, catalytic converters can weaken or become clogged over time, resulting in reduced vehicle performance and increased fuel consumption. Our service includes a detailed inspection, cleaning, and if necessary, repair of your catalytic converter, using state-of-the-art techniques and materials to ensure optimal function.

Contact us for more information or to schedule an inspection.

Catalytic converter repair is particularly beneficial for vehicles with converters near the engine or integrated into the exhaust manifold. This provides our customers with a cost-effective alternative to often expensive original replacements.

We exclusively repair catalytic converters with metallic cores, covering the full range of exhaust Euro norms: EURO2, EURO3, EURO4, EURO5, and EURO6. Metallic core converters are more resistant to mechanical stress and engine malfunctions compared to ceramic converters.

We dismantle the catalytic converter body and install a new core in place of the existing one, followed by re-welding everything securely. We only open the bottom part of the catalytic converter body, press-fit the new core from the underside, and weld everything back together.

If you choose catalytic converter repair, please contact us beforehand to verify the type of system involved, as there are exceptional cases where repair may not be feasible. If we confirm that repair is possible during our discussion, please send your faulty catalytic converter to our address, marked for delivery by 10 AM the following day. This allows us enough time to perform the repair and return the converter to your address on the same day. Delivery is free throughout Croatia.

We provide a 12-month warranty on our repair work and system functionality, regardless of mileage.

Payment is upon delivery (cash on delivery).

bog stalne izloženosti visokim temperaturama i štetnim kemikalijama, katalizatori mogu s vremenom oslabiti ili postati začepljeni, što rezultira smanjenjem performansi vozila i povećanom potrošnjom goriva. Naša usluga uključuje detaljan pregled, čišćenje i po potrebi reparaturu vašeg katalizatora, koristeći najsuvremenije tehnike i materijale kako bismo osigurali njegovu optimalnu funkciju.

Kontaktirajte nas za više informacija ili za zakazivanje pregleda.

Usluga reparature katalizatora je posebno je zanimljiva za vozila koja imaju katalizatore pri motoru odnosno na samoj ispušnoj grani. Na ovaj način svojim kupcima nudimo alternativu često puta preskupim originalima.

Reparaturu katalizatora vršimo isključivo s metalnim jezgrama i to u punoj paleti ispušnih euro normi: EURO2, EURO3, EURO4, EURO5 i EURO6.
Katalizatori s metalnim jezgrama otporniji su na mehanička opterećenja i neispravnosti u radu motora u odnosu na keramičke katalizatore.

  • Tijelo katalizator raspilamo te na mjestu postojeće jezgre postavimo novu i sve ponovo zavarimo.
  • Tijelo katalizatora otvorimo samo na dnu te novu jezgru upresamo sa donje strane i opet sve ponovo zavarimo.

Ukoliko se odlučite za reparaturu katalizatora potrebno nas je prethodno kontaktirati kako bi provjerili o kojem sistemu se radi jer postoje iznimni slučajevi gdje je reparatura neizvediva. 
Ukoliko u razgovoru s vama utvrdimo da je reparatura katalizatoraje izvediva, potrebno je na našu adresu poslati vaš neispravni katalizator s naznakom da se dostava izvrši slijedeći dan do 10h ujutro. Na taj način imamo dovoljno vremena napraviti reparaturu i u istom danu poslati katalizator nazad na vašu adresu.
Dostava je besplatna za cijelo područje RH.

Garancija na izvršene radove reparature te ispravnost sustava je 12 mjeseci bez obzira na kilometražu.

Plaćanje je pouzećem.


Video presentation of DPF filter machine cleaning

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